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Child Welfare and Protection Procedures

Raheny United Football Club are committed to ensuring that all our schoolboy/schoolgirl members can participate in all football and related activities in a safe and enjoyable environment.

We support and advocate the FAI’s  Child Welfare Policy and the Irish Sports Council’s Code of Ethics and Good Practice in Children’s Sport.

The Club’s Child Protection Officer is a member of the Executive Committee and is responsible for monitoring and overseeing compliance with the FAI and Sports Council of Ireland policies and codes in respect of child protection and welfare.
All coaches, managers, officers and Club members involved with teams under the age of 18 are Garda vetted.

The Club holds all information in accordance with Data Protection legislation and in line with the FAI Data Protection Policy.

Information shall not be passed to third parties unless by consent or deemed necessary for the protection and welfare of children. 


Raheny United's Child Welfare Officers


Paul Nolan – Designated Liaison Person (DLP) has completed Safeguarding 1, 2 & 3.

Responsible for dealing with relevant authorities in relation to any concerns regarding child protection issues.

Contact details:  (086) 8562236


Ronan Richmond – Club Children’s Officer (CCO) has completed Safeguarding 1 & 2.

Responsible for establishment of child centered ethos within the Club. Also responsible for monitoring and reporting of any concerns in relation to child welfare issues to Child Welfare Officers Group.

Contact details: (086) 2998343


Lesley Martin – Club Children’s Officer (CCO) has completed Safeguarding 1 and will complete Safeguarding 2 at the next available opportunity.

Responsible for establishment of child centered ethos within the Club. Also responsible for monitoring and reporting of any concerns in relation to child welfare issues (in particular members of MGL) to Child Welfare Officers Group.

Contact details: (087) 9237968

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